I was recently invited to the launch of Siti Khadijah in the UK. Siti Khadijah are a modest wear brand which caters to the Muslim prayer wear sector. There nothing more frustrating than needing pray when you're wearing clothing which isn't suitable.

Lets not beat around the bush, we've all been there - we need to pray, but you've just been chilling at home in shorts... we take that leap of faith and grab the nearest thing (weather it be a blanket, your dads jacket, your brothers jubbah, your sisters open abaya), so, okay, it covers you (only JUST) and you begin to pray wearing a mountain unpracticality and a collapsing mass which falls apart exposing a knee by the second Rakhaa. May God forgive us all for the flashes of exposed flesh as we bow down to Him. Ameen.

Haha but really, there ARE better ways. Siti Khadijah designed one of the BEST two piece prayer sets on the Malay high-street. The designer actually designed the sets through her own experiences and struggles of finding something premium which met all of her needs.

One of the main issues Siti Khadijah founder faced was the fact that the ties on most of the prayer sets were sewn to the front of the hijab piece so then they were pulled back hair was exposed. The other issues were that the skirts in these sets were see through and often too short - they've overcome this by making he skirts SUPER long, so they can be worn as a bandeau over bust to not only to double coverage but to also to suit taller users and work for ALL. I could talk all day about the brilliant design of these prayer pieces but I'll leave you with the website to try them for yourself.

MY personal favourites:
This beauty comes with embroidery that gives the Telekung (prayer outfit) an elegant touch to you everyday. I really love the scalloped edges on the bottom in particular.

This is the one I love and have, it's perfect because of the coverage it allows and also the top is long enough to cover even if I am just wearing wide trousers underneath.

Feat. : @sebinaah @nuraisamaryam @sisterinblack @mybigfathalalblog @zaraazii @romy_ahmed @sitimel @bellabeknova
Thank you so much Siti Khadijah for such a wonderful day, great company, perfect lunch menu, and amazing products ready to change peoples lives!